La Capilla de la Sangre de Cristo has been the heart of the village of Cuarteles for more than 150 years. The chapel was built between 1850 and 1855 by the ancestors of many of the esclavos that still take care of it today. The mission of the esclavos of this beautiful capilla is to forever worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by observing and preserving the traditions of the Catholic Church taught to us by our grandparents and great grandparents.
We strive to include our entire families so that these traditions will always be a part of our lives. We are a community that is truly grateful to God for all of the blessings we receive daily. Our funcion is celebrated with visperas (a prayer service) on Thanksgiving eve and the Holy Mass on Thanksgiving Day. The chapel is also open every day during the month of May to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary by praying the Holy Rosary.
In 1999, a beautiful award winning song was written by long time esclava Doreen Martinez titled “La Capilla de la Sangre de Cristo”. The song was inspired by and is dedicated to the many generations of our ancestors who have worshiped in our chapel and who worked to keep our traditions and religion alive. “La Capilla de la Sangre de Cristo" has been sung at our funcion every year since it was written and hopefully will be sung for many years to come. The lyrics are as follows.
Aqui en el valle de Cuarteles
Celebramos un dia muy especial
En la Capilla de la Sangre de Cristo
Donde hay amor y caridad
Cada año en Noviembre celebramos
Con nuestras familias y amigos
Dando le gracias a Dios
Por todo lo que recibimos
Que viva la Sangre de Cristo
La capillita tan blanca y bonita
Donde las tradiciones de mis abuelitos
Nunca se olvidaran
The esclavos of this capilla is to forever worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by observing and preserving the traditions of the Catholic Church taught to us by our grandparents and great grandparents.