The Society of St. Vincent De Paul is a worldwide Christian community, founded in Paris in 1833. The society has been Catholic from its origins and remains an international Catholic voluntary organization of lay people.
The conference here at Holy Cross has been in existence for twelve years. Our purpose is to respond to the poor and needy in our community. We answer all calls that come into the church with requests for assistance with utility bills, rent, food, and clothing. Vincentians are also concerned with the deeper needs and the spiritual well being of those we help.
We meet twice a month to join in prayer and discuss how we can serve the community. This past year, we made 291 home visits helping a total of 611 people. We were able to do this because of the generous contributions from our parishoners.
The society is open to all those who seek to live their faith and committing themselves to their neighbor in need. If interested, please call the church rectory and someone from the society will contact you.