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Waiting Room

It’s that time of year again — that holiday time when everything seems to go a little faster. Signs in stores announce the number of shopping days until Christmas, television commercials announce the new items the family “must have” this year, and the kids are full of energy in anticipation of their favorite holiday. When all this happens within the context of a culture that is driven by efficiency, immediacy and newness, parents can go into high gear. The result? Stress!

The Church Year

Contrast this with what is happening in our Church year. We have reached the end of Ordinary Time and have come to a period of quiet. We hear Scriptures about being prepared, not materially but spiritually. We sing songs about waiting in darkness and longing for the light.

Could it be that the antidote for holiday stress may be as close as our Catholic faith?

St. Paul tells us in Galatians 5:22 that patience is a “fruit” of the Spirit. Patience is difficult in a culture of instant gratification. We catch ourselves honking the horn when the light has been green for three seconds and the car in front of us hasn’t moved. We sigh and roll our eyes when we’re in line and the person behind the counter has to go to the back to get something. We even rush to end mealtime conversations with friends and family so we can check more items off the list.

Could it be that in our rush to get things done, we are forgetting to really live? Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (Jn 10:10, RSV). How can we make our hearts and homes open to the life that only Christ can bring as we prepare to celebrate His coming into the world?

The Greatest Gift

When Christmas finally arrives, make it a point to share that the greatest gift of all was God’s gift of himself — Jesus Christ. Wrap the baby Jesus from your Nativity scene in a gift box, and open that gift first when gifts are exchanged. If you have young children, you may wish to lead them in singing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus.

No matter how you celebrate, now is a great opportunity to teach your children the meaning of the old adage, “Good things come to those who wait.”

“They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles” (Is 40:31, RSV).

This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.

December 9, 2023
December 9, 2023
Barb began the visits a few years ago, when her children were young and she wanted them to understand that Advent and Christmas are about more than receiving gifts. She contacted her parish and asked if there was someone who might need a little extra attention and care during this season. As a result, her family cooked special meals, brought homemade gifts and, most importantly, spent time with Edward, a homebound man who savored their time together. What started as a December activity turned into a year-round relationship, and Barb’s family has remained close to Edward. He relishes the time they spend together, telling Barb’s children stories of his younger years, and listening to the youngsters’ tales of school friends, activities and adventures. On one visit, a ritual was born. After their initial greeting and catching up, Edward, Barb and her children each share something for which they are thankful: simple things that help them know God’s love and that have touched them since the last time they were together. Barb’s children have begun preparing their “thank-yous” in advance, anxious to share with Edward the most special parts of their lives. For his part, Edward says being mindful of things for which he is grateful helps him focus on his blessings. He no longer lingers so much in the frustration and loneliness of life. Last month, as they visited and shared their special moments of gratitude, Edward shared something that touches Barb still. He said: “When you come to visit me, you carry with you so much more than food or a gift. You carry love, and for that, I am very grateful!” This article comes to you from Grace In Action ( Our Sunday Visitor ) courtesy of your parish or diocese.
December 9, 2023
Mt 9:35-10:1, 5, 6-8 Jesus travels teaching, proclaiming and curing. He is moved by the number of people in need. More “laborers” are needed to serve the people so Jesus summons twelve and passes on the authority that he received from the Father. We pray for those discerning vocations to the priesthood, religious life or lay ministry. More laborers are needed for this world’s abundant harvest. St. Juan Diego, pray for us. This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
December 9, 2023
“How many times I have been fearful of a problem or that something bad has happened and I don't know how to react and I pray to her [the Blessed Virgin Mary]. I like to repeat to myself, 'Do not be afraid; Am I not here, I, who am your mother?' The words are those Mary said to Juan Diego when she appeared to him.” — Pope Francis Reflection : When do you usually turn to Mary in prayer? Is there anything in your life that you don’t know how to react to or deal with right now? What aspect of the life and faith of the Blessed Mother might offer an example for a response that would free you from fear or bring you closer to Jesus? This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
December 9, 2023
by Catherine Cavadini The mystery of Christ’s love is prophesied by John the Baptist . He is the forerunner of Christ’s total self-gift. From the womb of his mother, Elizabeth, to his own death at the hands of Herod, John prepares the way of Christ. Alongside Mary, whom John greets from his mother’s womb, John’s life provides for fruitful Advent contemplation. In the liturgical calendar, we celebrate John’s birth on June 24, six months before Christmas. John is the only saint, alongside Mary, whose nativity is commemorated with a liturgical solemnity. This signifies the importance of his witness, for he enters into the liturgical year at various points (including his beheading and now during Advent) to accompany us on our way toward Christ, illuminating our steps. But, in Scripture, where we hear of John’s famous “womb leap,” we next hear of John as living in the desert. This is because the horizons of the desert are the horizons of God’s mercy. Indeed, the desert could be likened to a tomb. It is a place where life is difficult, empty and harsh. As such, though, it is also a place where we come to learn of our dependence on God. God alone gives us life. In his great mercy, even God entered into the tomb, into the desert of death, bringing life there. And love. John went into the desert to seek God in prayer, and to ask for the spiritual sustenance he needed to prepare God’s way. This he began to do by preaching about Christ, and by calling us all to repentance. Around the age of 30, John began to prepare God’s way by baptizing the people — great crowds of them! — in the Jordan River. This is why we call him John the Baptist. Perhaps we can imagine a scene in which John is down in the water with the people; people who have come to him because they are sad, sorrowful, repentant of their sins. John accompanies them, desiring their repentance and forgiveness. The river is a place of washing, of being made clean. And so John accompanies all these crowds of people, going down with them into the depths of their sorrows just as he enters with them into the waters that will wash them clean.
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